Specialist DPF Cleaning Service

Posted by Craig Sampson on 5th Oct 2021

Here at TSR Performance in Bridgwater, Somerset, we not only look after and build High Performance/Tuned cars we also cater for all types of conventional road cars, many of which are now Diesel and need to be looked after and maintained in a slightly different way to that of a traditional petrol engined vehicle. With this in mind we have invested in the necessary kit to properly clean a blocked/full DPF filter. 

Carrying out a Re-Gen on a DPF is often no longer sufficient, this is because with older vehicles or ones with high mileage the amount of soot/ash which is left behind in the DPF after a Re-Gen needs to be emptied/removed or else the DPF will become blocked, causing running faults and a lack of performance. 

We use a specially selected range of cleaning additives which are applied directly inside the DPF itself, a specific engine running routine is then carried out to complete the cleaning process. 

This service will in most cases bring a problematic DPF back into serviceable life. 

As an example, a replacement genuine DPF unit for an Audi TT 2.0L TDi is priced at £1248.00 + vat, and a VW Toureg DPF priced at £1213.00 + vat, therefore our cleaning and re-gen service has the potential to give the customer a huge saving, especially once labour is factored into a DPF replacement.

It is important to understand that a blocked DPF is not always a result of city driving, in many cases there will be a fault on the vehicle which has caused the DPF to block, at TSR we understand this and will always check that the DPF system as a whole is operating correctly, this can include validating pressure sensor and temperature sensor readings are plausible and testing for Boost/Air leaks.

Please contact our Sales staff for booking, prices start at £300 + vat.


